Approximately 5,000 visitors walk through the doors of the 圣心大教堂 each month. 有些人在路易吉·格雷戈里(Luigi Gregori)精心绘制的天花板下参加弥撒, 而其他人来惊叹于伊万Meštrović的著名 圣母怜子图 或者去听有5000个管风琴的莫迪家族风琴. Yet others still come to tour the reliquary chapel 和 learn about the rich history of the Basilica.
令人惊讶的是, many who pass through those gr和 double doors remain unaware of the modest chapel situated just one floor below. 在这里, 墙上没有精美的壁画,也没有令人眼花缭乱的彩色玻璃窗, 但依偎在木长椅之间, 你会发现一个大理石墓穴,上面刻着拉丁文:
这里躺着俄瑞斯忒斯. 布朗森, 谁谦卑地承认真正的信仰, 过着完整的生活, 通过写作和演讲,他勇敢地捍卫了他的教会和国家, 和, 就算他的尸体被死神带走了, 他心灵的努力是天才不朽的纪念碑.”
威廉·费伦(1793-1856), an early benefactor of 电竞赌博平台 和 stepfather to Mother Angela of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, 也被埋在大教堂正下方的小教堂里. His crypt is less accessible 和, t在这里fore, better preserved than that of Orestes A. 布朗森.
只有两个人被埋在大教堂下面, Orestes Augustus 布朗森 was neither a student nor a faculty member at 电竞赌博平台. 事实上,没有他访问过这所大学的记录. Yet his final resting place conveys he played an important role in the history of Our Lady's University. 那么,他是如何在校园里找到这么一块令人垂涎的墓地的呢?
布朗森1803年出生于佛蒙特州,他并不是在天主教家庭长大的. 事实上, 在他的一生中, 他研究了许多不同的宗教, 在每个人身上寻找真理和意义. 直到1844年, 在接受了圣十字学院创始人的洗礼之后, 主教本笃·约瑟夫·芬威克, S.J.布朗森被天主教会接纳.
尽管他的成长环境平平,没有受过正规教育, 布朗森被认为是19世纪早期知识分子的领军人物. 作为一个多产的作家,布朗森写了惊人的2篇文章.500万字 波士顿季刊 ,后来 布朗森的季度评论从而巩固了他作为美国最多产作家之一的地位. 他早期的许多文章都以政治和民主为中心. 然而, 在皈依天主教后, 波士顿的菲茨帕特里克主教鼓励他更多地关注神学. His dedication to educating the masses earned him honorary degrees from both St. 约翰学院(后来的福特汉姆大学)和诺维奇大学.
最终, his work caught the attention of a young 和 ambitious French priest who had recently immigrated to America to open a Catholic university. 多年来,牧师. 爱德华·索林,C.S.C.和布朗森建立了一段异地友谊. 应索林神父的要求,布朗森为《电竞赌博平台》写了几篇文章 万福玛利亚这是一本由圣十字教会的圣母玛利亚出版社出版的杂志. 其中一篇关于圣母的文章赢得了一场由 万福玛利亚. (The prize was rumored to be $200 in gold; however, 在最后一刻, 索林神父决定选出两位获胜者,而不是一位, 这让布朗森非常懊恼.)
索林神父于1862年邀请布朗森到大学任教, 但他当时正在竞选美国国会议员席位.S. 并拒绝了这一提议. 当他竞选国会议员失败时, 布朗森 accepted Father Sorin's invitation despite being “appalled that his services be required daily from six in the morning to ten at night,并声明他的“健康状况不允许这样做”.” His letter included a date to meet in Chicago, but no records show that he ever made the trip. The next documented correspondence between the two men wasn't until 1865 和 continued until shortly before 布朗森 died of pneumonia at the age of 72 in 1876.
他最初被埋葬在底特律, 密歇根, 但在1886年6月, he was re-interred in the 布朗森 Memorial Chapel of the Sacred Heart Church, 后来被称为圣心大教堂的地穴教堂.
Father Sorin held 布朗森 in such high regard that he named one of the first residence halls, 位于主楼的东翼, 布朗森大厅. 这里的学生年龄在17岁及以上, 而西翼, 卡罗尔·霍尔, 接待13至17岁的学生. 晚些时候, in 1945, 主楼的两翼被改造成办公空间, 住房各部门. 直到1965年,电竞赌博平台才有了布朗森大厅, when it quietly gave that name to 万福玛利亚 Press's former space after the press moved to Douglas Road.
In 2019, this 布朗森大厅 was demolished so that the Remick Family Hall could be built. 今天, it's the home of the Alliance for Catholic Education—fitting for a place that was once named after a man devoted to educating others on Catholicism. 2022年,从拆除中保存下来的砖块被用来扩建索林大厅.
And while it's clear that 布朗森 made notable contributions to furthering the Catholic faith in America, 问题是:为什么是他?
The Basilica's tour 和 hospitality coordinator, Katie Pelster, may have the answer. 根据Pelster的说法, Father Sorin's vision was to have 美国天主教徒 buried in the Basilica—particularly, 学术 美国天主教徒, “so that we could remember the work they had done in the Catholic Church in America,”她说。.
“即使他们不是圣人,也不是什么受人尊敬的人,她分享道。, “it was important for the University to have examples of Catholic lay people 在这里.” It isn't clear, she said, why more American Catholic 学术s weren't buried in the Basilica.
布朗森 had purportedly expressed his desire to spend his final days at 电竞赌博平台 but died before it could happen. 也许正是他对这所大学的钦佩,使他的儿子亨利. 布朗森 to donate his entire works—a 20-volume set that he collected 和 arranged between 1882 和 1887—to the 电竞赌博平台 Archives, writing “it is a pleasure 和 a consolation to collect them so that they may be preserved for future generations which shall better appreciate them.”
哈佛大学与布朗森家族的关系并没有就此结束. 亨利的儿子菲利普五世.D. 布朗森 studied at the University 和 was suspended for a short period for attempting to attend more courses than permitted. 他于1888年毕业,并代表全班致告别辞, 在希腊哲学和道德哲学方面获得第一荣誉. 几年后,在1892年,大学授予亨利F. 布朗森因翻译弗朗西斯科·塔尔杜奇的著作而获得莱塔雷奖章 克里斯托弗·哥伦布的一生. 亨利的女儿约瑟芬·D. 布朗森, was also awarded the Laetare Medal in 1939 for her contributions to the Catholic Instruction League. To this day, Henry 和 Josephine are the only two related recipients of the Laetare Medal. In 1950, the University hosted a symposium commemorating the 150th anniversary of Orestes A. 布朗森的出生.
布朗森多产的作品经久不衰, 在美国天主教的历史上留下了不可磨灭的印记. 他与大学的关系, 这是通过他与富有远见的索林神父的关系而形成的, 这是对更高使命的共同奉献. 留下的遗产提醒我们, 直到今天, seekers of truth 和 defenders of faith carry on Father Sorin's mission to be a continued force for good in the world.